Recently our PM has said that the majority of our Malay-Muslim families that have problems is due to the Head of the family not functioning up to expectations. I don't want to confirm what he say neither do I want to deny it. Whatever I wrote will be useful if its true and it will be useful if its not true.
One of the MUIS earliest initiatives to address the PM's concern is to have four weeks of Friday sermons hinting to the Muslim males that they have to shape themselves up. The Khatibs of Mjd Ghufran reminded me that to function as Head of the family I must have the following attributes.
1. Amanah (trustworthy)
2. Benar (true)
3. Bijaksana (intelligent)
4. Menyampaikan (deliver)
These attributes are the attributes of the Mursalin (the Prophets) and if a Muslim models himself with these, it is hoped that he will fulfill an effective role as the Head of the Family.
The other night, I was reading a Kitab concerning Solat. This is what I further understood.
1. Solat is a direct connection between the servant (human) and his Creator (Allah swt).
2. Without Solat, there will be no help and guidance given to a person by Allah swt.
3. A person that denies that Solat is Wajib can be considered a Murtad.
Then it occured to me...
1. How many Muslim males actually Solat five times a day without fail?
2. How come despite help from various organizations, the malay-muslim family unit is still weak and full of problems?
3. How many of our Muslim males today consider that Solat is optional and not compulsory?
The answer became very clear then... In order for all problems facing our community to be solved, every single one of us must Solat. The community can only go forward with Allah swt help and guidance. And this can only be achieved if everyone submits to Allah.
Instead of trying to ask the male Muslims to model the Prophets (of course which is not entirely wrong), the MUIS should embark a massive campaign to encourage people to go back to Allah by practising regular Solat. This campaign must be equally or more massive than the Zakat and Fast in Ramadhan campaign.
However, I believe this not MUIS task alone. Everyone who prays 5 times a day must try to think of ways to reach out and encourage others to Solat, this maybe family members, friends, relatives or anyone on the street.
This is of course a great difficult task. And it may look like I'm being idealistic. But if we all do this, then I'm sure Allah will be with our community and make us the best among all other Singaporeans, insyaAllah.
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