Monday, November 10, 2008


Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.,

With the recent vomitting and diarrhoea stint of our dear 2 kids, following are 7 tips to avoid from doing 'more' work:

1. Any feeding, be it medicine or food/drink to be done strictly in the kitchen. Any emergency can be rushed to the toilet or sink.
2. For small kids feeding, I will recommend removing their clothes first, especially the top.
3. Get ready tissues, plastic bag and wet cloth in case your child vomits.
4. Place a canvas sheet under the bedsheet. So any affected area will be only the bedsheet. As for the canvas, give it a wipe with disinfectant.
5. Should any vomit takes place on fabric (clothes or cover sheets), remove the food stuffs or wipe it FIRST, before washing.
6. Prepare separate water bottles for your kids to drink from. Make sure they look about the same especially when there are siblings of 1-3 years apart.

***7. TAG TEAM is the best source of moral support between husband and wife during this kind of situation. For example, one to clean the mess, the other care for the kids.

I hope the above tips will be useful to readers.

Ummu Mukhtaar

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