Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ibn's Speech Development

Currently, there is a Marigold/Magnolia advertisement on the television that features a cow and her calf - an echo game.
Cow : Mi, mi, mi, Moooo
Calf : Smi, smi,smi, smoooo.

One day, I incidentally blurted out the tone of the phrase, my way, "Mi, mi, mi, " To my surprise, Ibn continued the line and said, "Miiii". Alhamdulillah. Immediately, I used this method to stimulate Ibn's "sound production" using other sounds mainly from the hijaiyyah letters with strokes (Aa, ii, uu) and also from the alphabet. It works! He too enjoyed this game that I have been playing. An indication of a success implementation. Yes, yes, yes! Zauji too is picking up the lines.

In addition, since a week ago, Ibn is trying to say out words, an average of a syllable per word. For example, Apple is mentioned as "Ap", Aeroplane as "Arr", Zainah as "Nnnah". More words to be heard coming out of his precious mouth.

Great development, Ibn! Keep it up!


Ummi's Blog said...

way to go Mukhtaar !
Little Habib can also say ummi, abah and Allah now.. of cos in a pelat way lah.. Hee...

Anonymous said...

Salaam Ummi,

You may take note of the method that I use to encourage Mukhtaar to "speak up".

At the same time, it is a way to improve their listening skills.